Thousands of channels are there on Telegram, So it would be very difficult to pick which one is the best channel
Every telegram channel will have its own unique focus. Some may focus on Technical analysis, some may focus on fundamental, some may focus on Intraday index call, some may focus on stock-based calls, some may focus on options trading and the list goes on and on.
Best telegram Channel for Nifty and Bank Nifty Calls List.
So, I am listing down all the telegram channels which you can easily search and join.
Disclaimer:Trading updates is based on their research and analysis. All this information should exclusively be used for education purposes.
Do You Know a Better Telegram Channel?
YES. I will Mail/What's App You The Details.
No. I am Happy With the Above List
Note :- If you know a better Telegram channel, just mail me the details on or you can WhatsApp me by clicking HERE , I will update it in the above list.